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SAT Reading Videos 211 videos
Contemplating one's life is key to fulfilled happiness. Thoreau's theme revolves around the simple life well lived. He clearly never tried virtual...
Thoreau uses "front" to mean "face". He wants to face The Facts of Life without shying away from our natural tendencies, roots, and the simply way...
What does "frittered away" mean in this context? Wasted. Wasted by the way. Thoreau claims we fritter away our lives praying to modern complex dist...
SAT Reading: Inferring the Authors' Point of View in a Scientific Passage 2 Views
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Who doesn't want to learn more about Volcanos in the SAT Reading video? They're the gigantic pimples of the earth!
- 00:02
all right she offers more on the volcano fascinating reading here yeah we're wide [kid napping on books]
- 00:07
awake really okay question no strongly suggest that scientist Observatory here [text on screen]
- 00:12
which assumption well the last paragraph puts this title correlation theory in
- 00:16
context right down there let's go down the last paragraph don't hurt you to
- 00:21
skim in here real quick yeah correlations more important is clue to
Full Transcript
- 00:23
how volcanoes work affect the tides it suggests Avakian eruptions with your
- 00:26
time before some threshold is exceeded and emotion starts and therefore axial
- 00:29
the lunar tides are planets of luminous order the correct answer is d will the
- 00:34
passage states that there's a 1% chance that any title maximum will affect the
- 00:40
start of an eruption right there we quoted it which means that there's a 99%
- 00:44
chance that your house won't in fact be covered in magma once every two weeks at [text on screen]
- 00:49
the end of the passage the author states that there are many other factors
- 00:51
involved in volcanic eruption the scientists involved seem to have
- 00:56
confidence in tiltmeters and strain meters but they don't discuss their
- 00:59
efficacy or whether there might be better tools so get rid of a and we know [close up of sun]
- 01:03
that the Sun exerts a pull on the earth which does affect tides and the whole
- 01:07
point of the maximal tide thing is that the moon's pole is lined up with the
- 01:12
sun's pole right so teamwork teamwork a big round heavy bodies yeah but sumo [kids playing tug-a-war]
- 01:17
wrestlers on the front NFL line
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