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SAT Reading Videos 211 videos
Contemplating one's life is key to fulfilled happiness. Thoreau's theme revolves around the simple life well lived. He clearly never tried virtual...
Thoreau uses "front" to mean "face". He wants to face The Facts of Life without shying away from our natural tendencies, roots, and the simply way...
What does "frittered away" mean in this context? Wasted. Wasted by the way. Thoreau claims we fritter away our lives praying to modern complex dist...
SAT Reading: Identifying the Main Purpose of a Social Science Passage 3 Views
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Want to read about some creepy-deepy prison experiments that they made a movie out of? You're in luck! This SAT Reading video is all about the Stanford experiments.
- 00:02
alright Shmoopers we're starting another section here and this is all
- 00:07
creepy DP psychology stuff actually very famous experiments that they actually [text on screen]
- 00:12
made a movie out of at least part of its embargo is a legend at Stanford in [Stanford campus]
- 00:16
psychology so here we go if you've read the passage carefully then you can
- 00:20
answer this question but you probably haven't so we're gonna go back and skim
Full Transcript
- 00:23
it I mean purpose of passage want you to do what so let's go back and let's kind [text on screen]
- 00:28
of skim this puppy all right if we can critique its research that really got
- 00:31
tons my critical and unlike I think real life doing setting all this up via real
- 00:35
life events things experiment in conformity knows I'm conforming ever
- 00:37
wants to agree on everything okay we're just getting other results and for me I
- 00:41
like to be like and illusion thingy down here in passage one is a critique of
- 00:46
social science research and the answer here well today the two main points the [writing on chalk board]
- 00:51
author makes are that the experimental results do not predict real life
- 00:56
outcomes and that results can often be explained in more than one way well
- 01:00
explaining the Asch experiment is an important part of the passage but it's
- 01:04
used simply as an example the author does suggest alternate explanations for
- 01:08
the Asch experiment but but he does it to point out how social sciences well
- 01:12
unreliable so let's study a whole lot of social science well the muler lie or
- 01:16
optical illusion is presented to support a detail but it's not the main idea of
- 01:20
the passage so go with critiquing social science research by questioning the [ people discussing]
- 01:24
results of a famous experiment when in doubt it's always questioned the
- 01:28
results that's a good one these test questions
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