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AP U.S. Government and Politics Videos 87 videos
AP U.S. Government 1.1 Institutions of National Government. What was the scale of representation in the House of Representatives when the Constitut...
AP U.S. Government 2.2 Public Policy. What did the Budget Impoundment Control Act do?
AP U.S. Government 2.3 Constitutional Foundations. Which amendment stated that the right to vote could not be denied on the basis of race?
AP U.S. Government 1.2 Constitutional Foundations 235 Views
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What was the key to colonial assemblies' power?
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Thank you We sneak and here's your shmoop du jour
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brought to you by assembly power Every principal secret weapon
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Well the key to the colonial assemblies Power was what
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And hear the potential answers Was the colonies form their
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new state Government's colonial governors came into continued conflict with
Full Transcript
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colonial assembly's over how to best get things done Good
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thing that doesn't happen anymore right Well let's take a
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look at a was the key to the colonial assemblies
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power the limited authority granted to colonial governors Actually the
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colonial governors were granted plenty of authority The assembly's just
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made a habit of undermining it that overrules eh How
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about b Did colonial assemblies derive their power from written
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constitutions within each of the colonies Well actually many colonies
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didn't form written constitutions until after they declared independence from
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britain So we're a little early for that particular tea
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party Could colonial assemblies have obtained their power because they
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were c backed by voting laws that allowed all white
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men to vote while you could only vote if you
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owned property And while many white men did on land
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it was by no means one hundred percent of that
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knocks out See to what about eat the colonial assembly
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control over the colonial councils Not so much The colonial
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council's assisted and were usually appointed by the colonial governors
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for the assembly's didn't hold any sway in this particular
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area which means the key to the colonial assemblies Power
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was d their control over taxes and spending Colonial assemblies
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had the power to approve taxes and decide where money
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was spent which gave them quite a bit of leeway
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in how the colonies function So dee is the correct
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answer Because colonial assemblies held the power of the purse
- 01:44
governors had few options Once assemblies decided teo tighten the 00:01:48.072 --> [endTime] strings
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