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AP U.S. Government and Politics Videos 87 videos
AP U.S. Government 2.3 Constitutional Foundations. Which amendment stated that the right to vote could not be denied on the basis of race?
AP U.S. Government 1.3 Institutions of National Government. What did the Twenty-fifth Amendment do?
AP U.S. Government 3.1 Institutions of National Government. In what case did the Court hold that there was a Constitutional right to marital privacy?
AP U.S. Government 3.2 Constitutional Foundations 225 Views
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Do you know who the greatest proponent of a strong central government was? We do. Watch this video and find out so we'll have something to talk about.
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak and here's your shmoop too sure
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Brought to you by a strong central government The most
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conveniently located federal office Yeah like that All right Have
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the following Who was the greatest proponent of a strong
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central government and hear the potential answers Hamilton henry jefferson
Full Transcript
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beard and shay's All right Well even though the founding
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fathers worked together to overthrow the british monarchy there was
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less of a united front when it came to stating
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their preferences for a new form of government let's See
- 00:33
which individual on this list made a strong central government
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His well crowning achievement was this list Greatest proponent of
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a strong central government Be patrick henry Well actually patrick
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henry was so opposed to a strong central government that
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he refused to show up at the constitutional convention given
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liberty or give him a system dominated by powerful state
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governments You know like that Alright it See thomas jefferson
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want a strong central government Well even though jefferson eventually
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served as a rather powerful president he actually advocated for
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a small national government in the nation's founding days So
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that's a wrap for tom tom here could the strongest
- 01:12
Proponent on this list have been de charles beard huh
- 01:16
Well charles beard was a twentieth century historian of the
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constitution so d seems a bit well harry In this
- 01:23
case what about e daniel shays Well shay's rebellion was
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a major uprising led by yet daniel shays who is
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none too pleased with the taxes imposed by the massachusetts
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state government which means that the greatest proponent of a
- 01:38
strong central government was a alexander hamilton Hamilton was the
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central thinker behind the federalist party one of the first
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political parties in the united states which advocated for a
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strong national government to support commerce and develop the american
- 01:53
economy So ay is the correct answer Rumor has it
- 01:56
that strong central government is also the name of a 00:01:59.203 --> [endTime] secret gym in washington d c that politicians frequent
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