Tartuffe Foolishness and Folly Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Richard Wilbur's translation.

Quote #4

"Your wife, two days ago, had a bad fever,
And a fierce headache which refused to leave her.

"Ah. And Tartuffe?"

"Tartuffe? Why he's round and red,
Bursting with health and excellently fed."

"Poor fellow!" (1.4.4-6)

Orgon's reaction is totally illogical to the point of being disturbing. It's as if he can't hear what Dorine is saying.

Quote #5

"That girl was laughing in your face, and though
I've no wish to offend you, even so
I'm bound to say that she had some excuse.
How can you possibly be such a goose?
Are you so dazed by this man's hocus-pocus
That all the world, save him, is out of focus?" (1.5.1)

Cléante talks of Tartuffe as if he is a magician and of Orgon as if he is his unwitting target.

Quote #6

"All right, then: we believe you, sad to say.
But how a man like you, who looks so wise
And wears a mustache of such splendid size,
Can be so foolish as to…" (2.2.14)

Dorine makes fun of Orgon by mocking the notion of "looking wise." Orgon may look like a distinguished older man, but he's still remarkably foolish.