Tartuffe Resources


Tout Molière

For all you francophones out there, here's a website featuring the complete works of Molière.

Full Text of Tartuffe

For those of you who don't speak French, here's one of many verse translations of Tartuffe you can find online.

Movie or TV Productions

Herr Tartüff, 1925

A German language take on the play, brought to you by F.W. Murnau. He's the dude responsible for Nosferatu – quite possibly the freakiest version of Dracula ever filmed.

Tartuffe, 1978

An American TV production based on Richard Wilbur's translation. Ray Wise, also known as Leland Palmer from Twin Peaks plays Damis.

Le Tartuffe, 1984

A French version of the play featuring everybody's favorite Frenchman, Gérard Depardieu.

Molière, 2007

A fictional interpretation of the life of Molière, in which the playwright is pretending to be a man named Tartuffe.


The Playwright

Here's a portrait of Molière. And, no, he didn't dress up like that all the time. At least not as far as we know.

Production Photo

Elmire attempts to "seduce" Tartuffe while Orgon hides under a table.