Song of Solomon (Song of Songs) Analysis

Literary Devices in Song of Solomon (Song of Songs)

Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory


People are always falling in love. Which makes it pretty darn tough to figure out who wrote Song of Songs—and when. After all, Cupid never stops thwacking people with his arrows.So, generations o...


When you think of love poetry, you probably think of Shakespeare. Petrarch. Neruda. One Direction. But whoever wrote Song of Songs was in the love poetry business long before those guys. Doesn't se...

What's Up With the Title?

You've probably heard people call this book by two different names: "Song of Songs" and "Song of Solomon." Seems like a pretty big difference—what with the addition of a King's name and all—so...

What's Up With the Ending?

You'd think that at the end, the lovers would either get together or die, right? Anyone who's seen a romantic comedy or read a Shakespeare tragedy knows how that works. Well, these two definit...


Song of Songs is one of few books in the Bible that doesn't include the Big Guy (i.e., God) as a major player. It's a notable absence, don't you think? Check out the Book of Esther for another book...

Sex, Drugs, and Violence Rating

Check out our thoughts in "Hot-Button Issues" and "Erotic Imagery" for more on this, but let's just say, sometimes a fig tree isn't just a fig tree. The Song of Songs might not read like erotic poe...


William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet Take a gander at this passage from Song of Songs 2:10-12My beloved speaks and says to me:"Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away; for now the winter...