The Horses
Pop quiz: what do Billy Pilgrim and horses have in common? They're both naysayers! (Hardee har har... ugh. Sorry.)That's not just a horrific joke, it's also a lie. Billy Pilgrim and his four-hoofed...
The Stars
You don't often come across stars-as-symbols without getting into some seriously cosmic philosophizing. It's just that hyper-symbolic stars are usually actual stars... those twinkly balls of gas th...
Prayer and Montana Wildhack's Locket
Praying For Serenity, One Cliche at a TimeMontana Wildhack wears a locket on which is written ye olde adage, "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the t...
"Mustard Gas and Roses," "Nestled Like Spoons," and "Blue and Ivory"
It shouldn't come as much of a surprise that the imagery in Slaughterhouse-Five is topsy-turvy. Actually—let's rephrase that. This entire book is an exercise in weird, genius repetition and mixed...