Saint Joan True or False

1. Who said, "I tell thee that the land is thine to […] keep God's peace in […] The very clay of France will become holy […] the rebel dukes will be rebels against God."? -> Joan
2. Who said, "If the Church lets her go, woe to the man, were he the Emperor himself, who dares lay a finger on her! The Church is not subject to political necessity, my lord."? -> Cauchon
3. Who said, "Miracles are all right, Polly. The only difficulty about them is that they don't happen nowadays.":? -> Cauchon
4. Who said, "I wish you were one of the village babies."? -> Joan
5. Who said, "Yet God is my witness I was just: I was merciful: I was faithful to my light: I could do no other than I did."? -> Cauchon
