Oread Resources


Meet H.D.

Here's an informative and in-depth bio of our poet, master of the image.

A Brief Guide to Imagism

Get the deets on the movement here.

Some English Profs Tackle "Oread"

Do you agree or disagree with their analyses?

Check out H.D.'s Papers…

…at the Yale Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library.

A Taxonomy of Nymphs

Get your mythology on with this handy guide.

Modern American Poetry on H.D.

Here's an awesome resource on the poet's life and work, if you're feeling like a smarty-pants.


A Robot Reads "Oread"

Can you do better than this? We certainly hope so.


H.D. reads from her book Helen in Egypt

This gem was recorded in 1955. So take that voice, and imagine it reading "Oread."


Young Hilda

We're loving the bowl cut.

Young Ezra

Cool 'stache, dude. And the tweed ain't too shabby, either.


The famous Oread in a painting by Cabanel.


H.D.'s Collected Poems

An awesome book for the H.D. lovers. Here you'll find every poem you could ever want.

Sea Garden

Read it online for free. Now that's a bargain.

Tribute to Freud

H.D. was analyzed by the man himself. Get the scoop here.

Imagist Poetry: An Anthology

Read H.D. along with her Imagist compatriots for a healthy dose of context.

Movies & TV

Hilda's Silver Screen Debut in Borderline

She acted in this long-lost silent film about interracial relationships.