Oh, the Places You'll Go! Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Stanza)

Quote #1

And when things start to happen,
Don't worry. Don't stew.
Just go right along.
You'll start happening too. (7)

Wow, perseverance is so chilled out. Sounds like all your kid has got to do is keep moving those feet and they'll "start happening." Stated as simply as it is so early in the text, it's easy to take this passage for granted. It's not until we overcome all the odds that the "not stewing" part starts to resonate.

Quote #2

That's not for you!

Somehow you'll escape
all that waiting and staying.
You'll find the bright places
where Boom Bands are playing. (20-21)

Again, perseverance is presented as simply moving, which just so happens to be the exact opposite of what happens in the Waiting Place. While you might find scary paths, you might find Boom Bands, too. The point is to keep moving forward, even if you're not sure what direction you're headed in.

Quote #3

But on you will go
though the water be foul.
On you will go
though your enemies prowl.
On you will go
though the Hakken-Kraks howl.
Onward up many a frightening creek,
though your arms may get sore
and your sneakers may leak.

On and on you will hike.
And I know you'll hike far
and face up to your problems
whatever they are. (28-29)

Ah, the Return of the Jedi! Erhm, we mean, return of the confidence! Which sadly features no ewoks. The thing is, now this confidence has real meaning since your child persevered through all of their problems beforehand. Perseverance is not an abstract concept anymore, one we're not sure will stand up to those monsters popping over the hedge. We know it works. So your kid goes ahead and keeps using it.