The Merry Wives of Windsor: Act 4. Scene 3 Translation

A side-by-side translation of Act 4. Scene 3 of The Merry Wives of Windsor from the original Shakespeare into modern English.

  Original Text

 Translated Text

  Source: Folger Shakespeare Library

Enter Host and Bardolph.

Sir, the Germans desire to have three of
your horses. The Duke himself will be tomorrow at
court, and they are going to meet him.

What duke should that be comes so secretly? I
hear not of him in the court. Let me speak with the 5
gentlemen. They speak English?

BARDOLPH Ay, sir. I’ll call them to you.

They shall have my horses, but I’ll make them
pay. I’ll sauce them. They have had my house a
week at command; I have turned away my other 10
guests. They must come off. I’ll sauce them. Come.

They exit.

At the Garter Inn, Bardolph chats with the Host. He wants to know if a group of German guests can borrow some horses so they can meet the German Duke at Windsor Castle. (This seems out of place, we know, but it will make sense soon. Promise.)

The Host agrees but he's not happy about, it since the Germans guests have been at the Inn for a week and haven't paid any of their bills. So he's going to over-charge them. Obviously.