Gulliver's Travels True or False

1. When "[t]he [Brobdingnagian] king was struck with horror at the description I had given of those terrible engines," what "engines" are being referred to? -> Guns
2. Why do the political projectors in Balnibarbi decide not to tax the good qualities of honor, justice, wisdom, and learning? -> The traits are only possessed by poor people.
3. Which Brobdingnagian especially likes to pick on Gulliver because of his size? -> The king's infant son
4. Why is the rumor that Gulliver is sleeping with Flimnap's wife so ridiculous? -> She is 80 years old.
5. Who is Gulliver looking at when he meditates on the fact that "undoubtedly philosophers are in the right, when they tell us that nothing is great or little otherwise than by comparison" (2.1.5)? -> The Laputians
