Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge
Orson Scott Card wrote Ender's Game (the novel) in four weeks. Four! (source).
Card considers alien invasion of Earth "extremely unlikely" (source). Good to know.
Card has banned some junk foods from his diet because he loses control when eating them. Which ones? Here's the list: "Crispix in milk (I haven't had any in more than ten years, because I go through a box at a single sitting if I ever have any at all); chocolate covered cashews and chocolate covered peanuts; peanut M&Ms; Twix bars; Ben & Jerry's triple caramel chunk (I do still eat this, but only on rare occasions); Big Macs; thick chocolate milkshakes" (source). We're feeling hungry now.
We’re not the only fans of Ender and his Game. The American Library Association listed the novel as one of the 100 best books for college-bound students in 1999 (source).