Dubliners Resources


Plan Your Visit

Walk in the footsteps of Little Chandler, Gabriel, Maria, and the rest on your next vacation.

Online Edition

Now there's no excuse not to do your reading, with this mobile version of Joyce's collection.

The James Joyce Center

Here's your one-stop shop for everything Joyce.

The Brazen Head

This site takes its name from a Dublin Pub (surprise surprise), but they're not kidding around when it comes to info on Joyce. They've got it all.


The Dead (1987)

The last film of the legendary director John Huston, its cast includes his own daughter, Anjelica Huston, as Gretta Conroy.


The Times Is On It

Check out the James Joyce page at the New York Times for all of their coverage of Joyce news over the years.

From One Novelist to Another

Joyce interviewed by novelist Djuna Barnes, who was known for her crazy plots and modernist style.


Snowy Ireland

Check out the final scene from the movie version of "The Dead." Is it as stirring as the written version?

Ian McEwan and Steven Pinker Get Smart

Two hyper-intelligent contemporary authors discuss, among other things, "The Dead."


Ewan McGregor in Nora

You heard right. Ewan McGregor sings "The Lass of Aughrim" in this clip from a flick in which he plays James Joyce.

The Voice of Joyce

James Joyce reading from his novel, Finnegan's Wake. This is one of the only recordings of Joyce reading, so you'd better listen.


Classic Joyce

Oh so that's where Harry Potter got his glasses from.


Feast your eyes on a first edition.

The Dead Movie Poster

It looks a bit more romantic than the actual movie.

Bird's Eye View

Check out Dublin from the air. We're betting it looked a bit different in Joyce's day.