
So you want to be in charge, do you? Then start building boats. You know who said that? Precisely no one. To be clear, building boats does not put you in charge of anything. Except the boat. Until it's built and gets a captain. And then you get nothing.

While you may someday end up at the head (in boat language, we call that the "bow") of an engineering team with the final say on the next big design, you're still forever a slave to the math and science, which will eternally guide what you do and how you do it. 

If there's any power and influence to be had here, it's in creative design elements, which will likely never go on to inspire any decision of any actual decision-maker outside the sphere of shipwrighting.

Sorry, we're not trying to throw an anchor on your enthusiasm here, but working in naval architecture isn't really the right path to choose if you're hoping to change (or dominate) the world. But you probably knew that already.