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Playlist The Ultimate Shakespeare 19 videos
Imagine yourself going to see a show. The cushy red seats. The talented orchestra. The body odor and animal abuse. Not what you pictured? Be thankf...
Aren't midsummer night dreams the worst? You wake up all sweaty and gross, and for a minute there, you can't even remember where you are. And also,...
We're not sure if good ol' Shakespeare would endorse The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, but that's not going to stop us from hosting themed viewing...
Romeo and Juliet 81561 Views
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But soft! What Shmoop through yonder window breaks?
- 00:07
Romeo and Juliet, a la Shmoop: A Case of Crazy, Stupid Love in the 16th Century.
- 00:14
Everybody remembers their first love . . . . . . but some of them are more memorable
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than others. When it doesn't last . . .
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. . . it feels like the whole world is coming apart . . .
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. . . and nothing will ever be right again. Take those impetuous teenagers, Romeo and
Full Transcript
- 00:30
Juliet. These two were head over heels for each other,
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. . . with a communication issue . . . . . . that didn't end all too well.
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But, what would have happened if that poison hadn't worked?
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What kind of future would they have had if they hadn't died?
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Well, one thing's for sure . . . . . . their feuding parents would have been
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very relieved . . . . . . so relieved that they might have forgotten
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about their disagreements . . . . . . and become one big, happy family.
- 00:59
Or not.
- 01:02
Maybe their initial relief . . . . . . would have turned into a blame game
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. . . . . . that strengthened their resolve to keep
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the young lovers apart. Then again, maybe Romeo and Juliet would have
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had enough of all that bickering . . . . . . and high-tailed it out of Verona . . .
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. . . to try to make their marriage work without their pesky families.
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Of course, they were just a couple of kids . . .
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. . . who had stars in their eyes and a whole lot of hormones running through their bodies.
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Maybe that kind of passion didn't stand a chance of lasting . . .
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. . . and they would have broken up not long after reality set in.
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First love may be memorable . . . . . . but it doesn't always have a long shelf-life.
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So what do you think would have happened? Would they have gotten tired of each other
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. . . . . . been split up by their parents . . .
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. . . run away to get a fresh start . . . . . . or ended up an old married couple fighting
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with their in-laws? And would they have had a happy ending after
- 02:04
all? Shmoop amongst yourselves.
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