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Principles of Finance Videos 166 videos
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Principles of Finance: Unit 2, Efficient Market Theory 9 Views
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What is efficient market theory? We'd tell you here, but it might be more efficient to watch the video.
- 00:02
Principles of Finance a la shmoop... efficient market theory [Person places briefcase on the floor]
- 00:09
Well Adam Smith was all about trusting in the market with a belief
- 00:14
that Mr. market is smarter than we humans are in fact a lot of poor
- 00:19
professors believe that the market is so efficient that it's impossible to [Person wheeling a shopping cart through a store]
- 00:25
legally beat it and that we shouldn't try to beat the market that is we should
Full Transcript
- 00:30
just be the market in the form of investing in index funds or ETFs and
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forget about actively managing money in the stock and bond markets the theory
- 00:41
says that you can't beat Mr. market because all the information is already
- 00:47
reflected in the stock prices that markets are in fact efficient and that [Chipotle store]
- 00:53
new information pukes out into the market place like a burp in a small room
- 00:57
well think you can beat the market because you have some great information [Woman on the phone and police officer appears]
- 01:03
well sorry champ but this theory claims that the information is already
- 01:07
affecting the market because others know the info too if it's legal then everyone
- 01:13
knows at the same time got that yeah better luck next time well there are [Woman thrown into a jail cell]
- 01:17
three models of the efficient market theory the weak form model, the semi
- 01:22
strong form model, and the strong form model well in the weak form model passed
- 01:27
information about a stock isn't useful at all the theory is that the current
- 01:32
market value is the correct and best reflection of the value of the stock all [Sears stock value graph and Mr Sears appears]
- 01:37
right in the semi strong form model new public information about a stock is
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instantly reflected in the price so you can't gain any advantage legally by
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using public information all right move it on in the strong form of a model even
- 01:52
insider information like illegal information is said to already be [Apple executive workers on the phone]
- 01:57
reflected in the market price because you know thieves tend to collude and
- 02:02
work together and lots of thieves set the new price on the market well not
- 02:06
everyone agrees with efficient market theory they may point out that insiders
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can and do earn higher than average returns from trading their own company's
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stock sometimes even legally and they might also point out that there's this [A pile of cash]
- 02:20
guy Warren Buffett has not only beaten Mr. market but has reduced him to a
- 02:25
bloody pulp Berkshire Hathaway here's the stock price yeah I'm pretty good huh
- 02:30
well if the markets really were efficient wouldn't you think that after
- 02:34
all these years W buff would regress to the mean and stock returns or even the
- 02:39
nice...yeah ain't happenin even at this massive scale literally millions of [Warren buffett in a bath of money]
- 02:45
would-be investors have tried to beat the market over this period of time
- 02:48
maybe 20 have and only one has absolutely crushed it bottom line if you can be
- 02:54
Michael Phelps you should swim if not well then go to law school [Michael Phelps swims past a man floating in a pool]
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