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AP Music Theory 1.1 Music Terminology, Terms & Symbols. Which of the following scales contains the notes shown above?
AP Music Theory 1.2 Music Terminology, Terms & Symbols. The interval shown about is what?
AP Music Theory 1.3 Music Terminology, Terms & Symbols. What is the parallel minor of G major?
AP Music Theory 1.1 Music Terminology, Terms & Symbols 264 Views
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AP Music Theory 1.1 Music Terminology, Terms & Symbols. Which of the following scales contains the notes shown above?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in Sorry And here's your smoked
- 00:08
you sure brought to you by exhausted bands Teachers look
- 00:11
on the bright side on lee Forty more years of
- 00:13
screechy ode to joy until retirement right Here's our question
- 00:17
Which of the following scales contains the notes shone above
Full Transcript
- 00:21
and here the potential answer All right first things first
- 00:25
let's figure out what notes we're looking at here We
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know we're in trouble class so that means we have
- 00:30
f g a and b flat If we take a
- 00:33
look at our options we know we can eliminate some
- 00:35
of these scales pretty quickly How can we do that
- 00:38
Two words magic chicken wait what No different to words
- 00:43
And there we go He signatures that's Better way know
- 00:46
that d major has two sharps in its key signature
- 00:49
f sharp and c sharp We also know b minor
- 00:52
is the relative minor of d major So it has
- 00:55
the same two sharps And if we take a look
- 00:57
back at the scale we can see it has an
- 00:59
f natural not in f sharp So naturally that means
- 01:03
we can eliminate both bnd now in a whole tone
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scale each tone is related to the other by a
- 01:07
whole step and a quick glance at our scale shows
- 01:10
us that's Definitely not what we're dealing with here there's
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only a half step between a and b flat which
- 01:15
means we can eliminate option c which leaves us with
- 01:18
the drum roll please Yeah f major f g a
- 01:22
and b flat are the first four notes in any
- 01:25
f major scale for the more f major has just
- 01:28
one flattened its key signature b flat another quick glance
- 01:32
at our scale and yet be flat is the last
- 01:34
note Looks like we can say is the correct answer
- 01:37
without running into any trouble Sorry we'll cut out the 00:01:40.929 --> [endTime] puns tone it down if you will
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