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AP English Literature Videos 69 videos
AP English Literature and Composition 1.9 Passage Drill 1. Which of the following is offered as a possible explanation for the struldbrugs' absence...
AP English Literature and Composition 1.2 Passage Drill 1. All of the following are true of struldbrugs except that what?
AP English Literature and Composition 1.3 Passage Drill 1. In the context of the passage, what does the word "compass" in line 15 mean?
AP English Literature and Composition 1.7 Passage Drill 3 208 Views
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AP English Literature and Composition 1.7 Passage Drill 3. Lines 74 through 80 indicate all of the following except what?
- 00:03
Oh give us a home, where the robeefalo roam...
- 00:13
If you love this passage so much, why don't you marry it?
- 00:17
Or, if you're not the marrying type, just pause and review...
- 00:34
Lines 57 through 60 indicate all of the following EXCEPT... what?
- 00:39
And here are the potential answers:
Full Transcript
- 00:46
Well, the word "except" is in all caps, so that should send sirens, bells, and factory whistles going off in our heads.
- 00:55
Anyone have an aspirin? 4 of these 5 answer choices work. There's
- 00:59
just one rotten egg among them, and we have to... sniff it out.
- 01:03
Let's look at lines 57 through 60:
- 01:09
As he walked away it seemed to Amory that the look in his face bore a great resemblance
- 01:13
to that in Kerry's when he had said good-by under Blair Arch two years before. Amory wondered
- 01:20
unhappily why he could never go into anything with the primal honesty of those two.
- 01:24
Okay, now let's take 'em one at a time.
- 01:27
Does Amory respect but not agree with Burne's conviction?
- 01:31
Well, yeah. He seems to admire Burne's "primal honesty," but he still can't be on the same
- 01:36
page with him. So A is NOT our answer.
- 01:39
Is Amory questioning his mental capacity?
- 01:42
Uh, no, not at all. He may not agree with Burne's stance, but that's not because he
- 01:46
can't comprehend what it is.
- 01:48
It's about conviction, not about intellect.
- 01:51
So B is our answer.
- 01:52
But, if we want to make very sure, we can check the last few answer choices...
- 01:56
...and sure enough, they all go along with our earlier determination about Amory's mindset.
- 02:01
He DOES view Burne's pacifism as honest...
- 02:04
...he IS disdainful of his own lack of conviction...
- 02:08
...and he DOES view himself as dishonest. So yeah, B it is.
- 02:12
See? These problems are easy, once you strip away all the bells and whistles
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