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AP Computer Science A Videos 108 videos
AP Computer Science: Classes and Objects Drill 3, Problem 5. Which of the following is not an object?
AP Computer Science: Classes and Objects Drill 3, Problem 4. Which of the following are objects?
AP Computer Science 4.1 Classes and Objects. Which of the answers is the best definition of a postcondition?
AP Computer Science 4.1 Standard Data Structure 8 Views
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AP Computer Science 4.1 Standard Data Structure. Can you find the value of q?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak And here's your shmoop du jour
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Brought to you by multi dimensional arrays They're not just
- 00:09
a scifi alien weapon anymore What is the value of
- 00:13
q and hear your potential answers All even Numbers 1
- 00:18
through here Well quick Visualize an array of eight elements
Full Transcript
- 00:22
Do it Got it Yeah Pretty simple It's A little
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like a number line about with data sitting on it
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That and to refer to any element you can call
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it by its index What if you want another road
- 00:33
data Well sure you could make a whole new separate
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array but that's little clunky This is more of a
- 00:38
Job 4A:2 dimensional array at an extra set of brackets
- 00:41
and well off we go We can reference anything in
- 00:44
this array by using it to indices horizontal and vertical
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or clever names x and why i want to get
- 00:51
wild Well we can keep going on tow three dimensional
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rays that are totally doable and learn our square into
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a cube And again we'd be using the erase three
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indices that weaken reference elements anywhere along its three axes
- 01:03
So now we have a three dimensional array full of
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data Sounds very futuristic Already But we can go through
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that What would a fourth dimension be like Where would
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you put it Easy Well right next to it despite
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the complaints from your businesses friends all right If a
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one dimensional array gave us the number line two d
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gave us a square and three d gives a cube
- 01:23
then forty is a number line made of cute haven't
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we just blow your mind all right And a five
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deer a while you guessed it A grid made of
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q's sixty a cube made of cubes seventy a number
- 01:37
line made of a cube made of cubes You can
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see where this is headed into infinity Well java language
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specifications states you could theoretically have infinite dimensions but the
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job of virtual machine the thing that actually executes code
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sets a limit of two hundred fifty five dimensions thankfully
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for our brains to need for that many dimensions doesn't
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come up all that often In fact an array of
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more than three dimensions is downright rare and this question
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is asking us what the length of a certain two
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dimensional array would be logically speaking since we're dealing with
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a two d array It it makes sense to multiply
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with times height like measuring erecting like twelve times ten
- 02:14
But that's not how the length function works in java
- 02:17
It returns simple inger based on the length of a
- 02:19
single dimension in this case the first dimension because we
- 02:22
didn't specify a deeper one That said the answer is 00:02:25.895 --> [endTime] right in front of our faces the entire time
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