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Playlist AP® Computer Science: Standard Algorithms 16 videos
AP Computer Science 1.4 Standard Algorithms. How many times will mystery be called for mystery(n) for n > 1?
AP Computer Science 2.4 Standard Algorithms. What is the quickest possible combination of search and sort methods to find a single sheep, shear him...
AP Computer Science 3.1 Standard Algorithms. What is the output of Recurse(3)?
AP Computer Science 2.4 Standard Algorithms 167 Views
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AP Computer Science 2.4 Standard Algorithms. What is the quickest possible combination of search and sort methods to find a single sheep, shear him, and resort the group?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak And here's your shmoop du jour
- 00:06
brought to you by christmas celebrating sheep fleeced nobby not
- 00:14
question four uses the same sordid sheep from question three
- 00:19
sorted not sorted All right now that are sheep from
- 00:23
questions for your safely sorted by increasing wool density we'd
Full Transcript
- 00:27
like to be able to tell them apart Well after
- 00:29
all they're here for a reason and it be kind
- 00:31
of insensitive to confuse them with one another what's the
- 00:33
quickest possible combination of search and sort methods to find
- 00:37
a single sheep shear him and re sort the group
- 00:42
our energy Right now this problem takes a bit of
- 00:46
intuition You you will stop Remember that our sheep are
- 00:52
already sorted when comparing our to search algorithms binary and
- 00:56
sequential khun see the binaries much faster however only works
- 01:01
with sordid data which we thankfully have so we can
- 01:04
narrow our choices down to b c and e This
- 01:07
is where we need to know our stuff Yeah Looking
- 01:15
closely we can observe that the sheep were sorted by
- 01:18
increasing wool density and question three since they're sorted by
- 01:22
increasing value and only one sheep is out of order
- 01:26
Insertion sort is super effective insertion sort So our answer
- 01:31
is b Next time we take you on a tour
- 01:35
of the shmoop sheep farm But we're a bunch of 00:01:37.213 --> [endTime] cheapskates
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