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Well, if this book doesn't make you want to tape over your laptop camera, we don't know what will.
By the end of this video, you will be brainwashed. There's nothing you can do about it; we just wanted to let you know. We like to think we're bigg...
Imagine a world in which all literature was dystopian. Okay, so we may be getting to that point, 1984 and V for Vendetta helped start it all.
Animal Farm Summary 86713 Views
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We may not always agree with the government, but at least they aren't pigs. We mean that literally. Whether or not you think they're pigs in a figurative sense is your prerogative.
- 00:04
Animal Farm, a la Shmoop. The name’s Napoleon – leader of the free
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animal world, defender of animal justice, chief enlightener of the unenlightened, kisser
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of babies, and overall good guy. My rise to glory begins with the death of
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Old Major, a sort of “God pig” to whom I was always the “prophet of justice pig.”
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When Old Major died, he told us animals to revolt against our owner and take rightful
Full Transcript
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ownership over the farm as Leader Pig of All the Universe….
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…ahem, I mean as equals in an animal utopia. And being equal is great and everything, but
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let’s be honest here.
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I mean, have you seen the horses? Those guys couldn’t lead a carrot into their own mouths,
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let alone a revolution!
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So we pigs took over, naturally.
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We created seven commandments…
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….which turned into a chant:
- 01:01
Four legs good. Two legs bad. Four legs good. Two legs bad. Four legs good. Two legs BAAAAAAAD!
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Now, being a leader isn’t always smooth sailing. Sometimes, you have to fight for
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what’s right.
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Like when a whole bunch of farmers got together and tried to quash our rebellion. But we showed
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Especially me. But I didn’t get an “Animal Hero, first class” medal. Snowball did.
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Sure, he was kind of smart. Between you and me, it was his idea to build a windmill. But
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he never could have executed it as well as I could.
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Which, you see, is why I peed on his plans and sic’ed my dogs on him when it came time
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to vote for a leader. Because it was clear to everyone that I was meant to be lead.
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Voting is silly! Why voice your opinion when the natural leader already knows what you
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…which is why I banned voting.
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…and then built that windmill. Well, eventually the windmill collapsed because…
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somebody might have missed a detail in the plan here or there. Whatever, that’s not
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What’s important is that animals started complaining, as though Animal Farm wasn’t
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the best place ever!
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…And when animals complain, that really puts a damper on my day. It’s like they
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don’t even care how hard we worked to get here.
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And when I find out they’re in cahoots with Snowball, or talking about the “good old
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days” – when I find out they think that their ruler isn’t doing a good enough job….
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…accidents happen.
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So it was one of the rules of Animal Farm that you couldn’t kill another animal…so
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Sure, we’re all equal here, but I’m a natural-born leader. And you know how you
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get to be a leader? Not by following rules, that’s for sure!
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So when we pigs led the animals to victory against the humans yet again, I think we had
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a right to celebrate.
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We put on some clothes and got a little sloshed, because we deserved it.
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…and because we had to keep leading Animal Farm, even in the hardest of times, we kept
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having to drink and bundle up and live in the farmhouse. For the good of everyone.
- 02:55
So really, the moral of the story is: two legs good. Two legs best, for the good of
- 03:01
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