The Throne
If you had yourself a little inkling that Yertle's throne is so much more than a throne, you're right on. First, his throne is really a stack of turtles. So yeah. This might seem like a no-brainer...
The Moon
There's a point in "Yertle the Turtle" when it looks like Yertle's rule will never end. He's nice and secure up there at the top of the stack, he hasn't shown any inkling of changed emotion toward...
Mack's Burp
When you read the part about Yertle burping, did your kid collapse in a fit of hysterics? If so, good for them. Potty humor is pretty hilarious. But after they're done laughing, take a chance to ex...
Gertrude's Tail
Gertrude's tail, kind of like Yertle's moon, is a stand-in for all of that stuff, stuff, STUFF in life she can't have and can't control. It's stubby, it's droopy, it's frizzy, it's only one color,...
Pill-Berry Vine
Hey there! Are you looking to cure all that ails you? Would you like a snake oil man to sidle on up with bag full of remedies that cost a lot of money but can possibly kill you? Look no further tha...
Ears, Nose, and Eyes
You've got ears, right? How about a nose and maybe some eyes? Well, if you're a rabbit or a bear, not much else matters. The best and most respectable animals, according to these two, are not those...