World War II
Discussion & Essay Questions
Available to teachers only as part of the Teaching World War IITeacher Pass
Teaching World War II Teacher Pass includes:
- Assignments & Activities
- Reading Quizzes
- Current Events & Pop Culture articles
- Discussion & Essay Questions
- Challenges & Opportunities
- Related Readings in Literature & History
Sample of Discussion & Essay Questions
- World War II transformed Europe and America's relationship with Europe. In what ways was pre-WWII Europe unlike the Europe of today?
- Could you imagine a similar conflict between the nations of Europe today?
- Why or why not?
- What ties them together?
- What is most striking about America's response to the European turmoil of the 1930s?
- Could you imagine a similar conflict between the nations of Europe today?
- Where are today's international hot spots?
- Do they seem similar to the European conflicts of the 1930s?
- Is the United States similarly trying to avoid involvement? Explain.