Speak Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Mom calls me to remind me to drink lots of fluids. I say "Thank you," even though it hurts my throat. It's nice of her to call me. (76.1)

We like this moment, because Melinda and Mom are trying to communicate and are being considerate of one another.

Quote #11

Dad: "That's a lot of work."


Dad: "I'll get some leaf bags from the store" (77.6-8)

We like this moment for the same reason. We can see how much Melinda makes their house a home. When Melinda cleans the yard, Dad takes it as a sign that she cares about the home and the family. This softens him and makes way for a better relationship.

Quote #12

"NNNOOO!!!" (88.16)

What Melinda says when Andy tries to rape her the second time. We can see how much she has grown because she refuses to be a silent victim anymore.