At the round earth's imagined corners (Holy Sonnet 7) Resources


Donne Choir Piece
A choir performs a musical piece set to Donne's lyrics by the composer Willametta Spencer.


John Donne

Nice beard.

The Last Judgment

A depiction of the Last Judgment from one of the greatest paintings of all time: Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel. Notice the angels blowing trumpets in the middle.

Historical Documents

Digital Donne
Search through the 1633 and 1635 first editions of Donne's poetry. An amazing resource for students who want to look at the original texts.


John Donne: A Reformed Soul, by John Stubbs

A biography of Donne that focuses on the many personal transformations he underwent in his life, such as the conversion from Catholicism to Protestantism.

The Varieties of Metaphysical Poetry, by T.S. Eliot

The 20th century poet T.S. Eliot was a champion of Donne and the other metaphysical poets. This book collects some of the lectures he gave on the subject. T.S. Eliot was just of good of a critic as poet.


Poetry Foundation: John Donne

A reading guide to Donne with a long biography, lots of poems, and a bibliography.

Donne Luminarium

This site has an amazing collection of Donne's poetry and a brief biography.