Meet the Cast
Rikki-tikki is a mongoose and the protagonist of "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" (go figure, right?). The story revolves around his battle to protect the bungalow and garden from the cobras, but depending on ho...
Nag and Nagaina
Snakes get such a bad rap. Honestly, they always have to be the bad guys or play animal totem for the villain. Voldemort's symbol is a snake (called Nagini—sound familiar?). Orochimaru uses snake...
Teddy is the little boy of the British family and a future recipient of some serious psychological help. Honestly, three snake attacks in only two days? His ophiophobia (or, as we like to call it,...
The Father and Mother
Teddy's mother and father are a typical, almost cliché (or should we say archetypal?), mother-father duo. The mother is a bit timid when it comes to all things "nature," as we see when she's afrai...
Darzee and His Wife
Darzee and his wife are both tailorbirds. Darzee is a songbird. In other words, he's got a beautiful voice, but that's about it. In practical matters, his mind is too prone to flights of fancy, as...
Poor guy. This muskrat just doesn't get much characterization beyond being a foil for Rikki-tikki, and we're sure he's got better qualities than the story shows. Maybe he's a fabulous baccarat play...
The Coppersmith
This bird plays the role of the "town-crier to every Indian garden" (106). Back in ye olden days, town criers acted as news broadcasters for their community. When the bell struck a given hour, they...