Our Town Resources

Movie or TV Productions

1940 Movie

The 1940 film version of Our Town that was nominated for 6 Oscars and was directed by Sam Wood.

1959 TV Movie

A TV version of Our Town, directed by John Lincoln and José Quintero.

1977 Movie

1977 TV production of Our Town. It was nominated for 8 Emmys, and won the award for Outstanding Individual Achievement in Any Area of Creative Technical Crafts.

1989 TV Movie

A TV production of Our Town, nominated for 1 Emmy and directed by Kirk Browning.

2003 TV Movie

A TV film of Our Town, nominated for an Emmy, a SAG Award, and directed by James Naughton.


Preview For the Play
PBS Masterpiece Theatre: Our Town preview.


Scene From the Play

A photo from the opening night of the play.

Postage Stamp

Stamp of Thornton Wilder Centennial.

Scene From the Play

Thornton Wilder performing as the Stage Manager

Production Photo

A photo from Staged Opera version of the play.

The Stage Manager

Paul Newman in Our Town as the Stage Manager.

Peterborough, New Hampshire

Peterborough, NH is the town that the fictional Grover's Corners was modeled after.


Our Town: Opera in Two Acts

The website for the Our Town Opera, including production photos.

Thornton Wilder Society

An organization all about Wilder. This site has some interesting information on Wilder, including a biography, life timeline, and a newsletter.

UC Berkeley Profile of Wilder

Wilder attended Berkeley High School, and this site profiles famous gay Berkeley alumni.

Online Our Town Exhibit

Library of Congress provides an online slideshow of Our Town images and documents related to Our Town.