Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Nothing.
Dissatisfaction Quotes
"Nothing matters. I have known that for a long time. So nothing is worth doing. I just realized that." (1.1)
Death Quotes
"Everything begins only to end. The moment you were born you began to die. That's how it is with everything." (2.21)
Violence Quotes
"The sun was heavy, making us slow and irritable, the tarmac caught on the soles of our sneakers, and apples and pears were just ripe enough to lie snugly in the hand, the perfect missiles." (2.4)
Sex Quotes
I can hardly bring myself to tell what it was Sofie had to give up. It was something only a boy could think of, and it was so gross and repugnant that the rest of us almost all pleaded on her behal...
Defeat Quotes
We'd won! Victory is sweet. Victory is. Victory. (4.25-26)
Appearances Quotes
We had just started seventh grade, and we were all so modern and well-versed in life and being in the world that we knew that everything was more about how it appeared than how it was. (3.14)
Revenge Quotes
I looked down at my bare feet and decided Gerda was going to pay. (5.35)
Sacrifice Quotes
I knew it was going to come. And to be honest, that was probably why I tried to stop the whole affair. It would only be a matter of time before someone got around to my sandals. (5.22)