Looking for Alaska Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Looking for Alaska? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What do cigarettes symbolize for the Colonel?

Rebellion against authority
Rebellion against tobacco companies
Q. Why is Miles so obsessed with last words?

His grandfather died and that started his obsession.
He thinks that last words give us insight into how people lived.
He thinks that last words are really memorable.
His parents are also obsessed with last words.
Q. What does the Alaska Young Memorial Prank symbolize?

Miles and his friends are fed up with the Creek.
Miles and his friends want to commemorate how Alaska died.
Alaska's spirit is gone forever from Culver Creek because Miles and the Colonel take credit for the prank.
Alaska's spirit lives on because though she is dead, her spirit resides in the rebellion and humor of the prank.
Q. How does Alaska most often use alcohol in the book?

As a way to socialize and have fun
As a way to cope with her guilt and pain
As a way to connect with her boyfriend Jake
As a way to get back at the Weekend Warriors
Q. The Colonel copes with difficulty (of his breakup with Sara, of Alaska's death) by doing what?

Memorizing stuff
Eating bufriedos
Talking back to the Eagle
Heckling basketball players during games