- What do you think: is the quest for the Hallows really a kind of flip-side to the making of Horcruxes? Do Dumbledore and Voldemort actually share unexpectedly similar motivations?
- Is "For the Greater Good" a valid motto? In Grindelwald's case, certainly not – but what about Dumbledore's?
- What do you make of Dumbledore's treatment of Harry, in terms of the "big picture" plot? Was it fair?
- What are the qualities that Voldemort lacks but that Harry possesses? How do they help Harry remain "the Boy that Lived"?
- What, ultimately, is the lesson we learn from the quest for the Deathly Hallows?
- What makes Harry the only rightful possessor of all three Hallows?
- Do you think Harry makes the right decision in the end, when he separates the Hallows and abdicates his title as the "Master of Death"?