What’s Up With the Ending?

Levene steps into the room with the cops, and cue the dramatic music and blackout.

Oh, oops—that's not how the play ends. While that's the end of Levene's journey, Mamet chooses to go back to the leads. This play isn't just about Levene getting busted for a robbery, after all. In fact, the robbery is just one symptom of the environment Mamet has created—an environment where the only thing that matters is the sale. Here's how the play ends (we've covered it before, but it's worth going over again):

AARONOW: Did the leads come in yet?


AARONOW (Settling into a desk chair): Oh, God, I hate this job.

ROMA (Simultaneously with "job," exiting the office): I'll be at the restaurant. (2.1.1245-1250)

The office got robbed. Moss took off. Cops are grilling Levene with the help of Williamson. It's a pretty hectic day, but the two guys left in the office are going back to work because that's what you do. Aaronow—who can't stand it there—is still going to sit there and wait for the leads to come in. Roma, who just lost his last contract, is heading back to the restaurant where he closed the deal. Leads or no, he's getting back out there.

Always be closing.