It's one thing to always be looking out for the next big thing or to aim for that next step you want to take in your life or your career, but it's another thing to just be plain dissatisfied. For most of the gents in Glengarry Glen Ross, dissatisfaction is par for the course. Most of them hate their jobs, they hate their bosses, and they hate the fact that they can't find any way out. Even with a smaller character like Lingk, we get a sense that he is unsatisfied with his life.
Dissatisfaction in this play pushes characters to make questionable choices, to turn their backs on other people (or to stab people in the back), all while pushing the drama forward. If everyone were happy and satisfied, the play would be pretty boring.
Questions About Dissatisfaction
- Why are Levene and Aaronow dissatisfied with their situation in the office?
- Does past glory lead to dissatisfaction in the present?
- How does Roma use the idea of dissatisfaction in his sales pitch to Lingk?
Chew on This
Moss can't stand the situation he is in, but he probably wouldn't be able to stand any work situation. It's just how he is.
The good leads simply represent a level of respect to Levene that he no longer receives, and the sentiment of respect that getting them conveys matters more than the financial gain they offer.