The Glass Menagerie Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a big long monologue.

Quote #4

"I haven't enjoyed one bite of this dinner because of your constant directions on how to eat it. It's you that make me rush through meals with your hawklike attention to every bite I take. Sickening - spoils my appetite - all this discussion of - animals' secretion - salivary glands - mastication!" (1.7, Tom).

Tom rebels against Amanda’s mothering as though he were a young child.

Quote #5

"You smoke too much." (1.10, Amanda). Amanda constantly harps on Tom with orders and complaints.

"I know what’s coming!"

`"Yes, but let her tell it."


"She loves to tell it."

(1.17-1.20, Tom and Laura).

Laura has a great understanding of her mother and brothers, and often serves as referee between them.

Quote #6

"It isn’t a flood, it’s not a tornado, Mother. I’m just not popular like you were in Blue Mountain." (1.38, Laura).

Laura and Amanda, because of their roles as mother and daughter, are often compared.