The Epic of Gilgamesh Siduri Quotes


Quote 4

"If you are Gilgamesh, who killed the Guardian,
who destroyed Humbaba who lived in the Cedar Forest,
who slew lions in the mountain passes,
who grappled with the Bull that came down from heaven, and killed him,
why are your cheeks emaciated, your expression desolate?
Why is your heart so wounded, your features so haggard?
Why is there such sadness deep within you?
Why do you look like one who has been traveling a long distance
so that ice and heat have seared your face?
… you roam the wilderness?" (10.35-44)

Here, Siduri seems to think that a noble, mighty warrior is never supposed to get tired. We're not so sure about that. Maybe perseverance means getting tired, but forging ahead anyway.