Ender's Game Chapter 9 Quotes

Ender's Game Chapter 9 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 4

He's manipulating me, she thought, but that doesn't mean he isn't sincere. (9.112)

In our opinion, this is one of the most interesting comments about manipulation in <em>Ender’s Game</em>. Here Val notes that Peter’s manipulation of her doesn’t necessarily mean he’s lying. In this case, he’s crying in front of her and saying he needs her help. On one hand, that’s a calculated move – he wants her help and he’ll do whatever it takes to get her to. On the other hand, maybe he’s crying because he’s actually upset. It’s useful for us to realize that not all manipulation is lies. As Graff (probably) notes, sometimes telling the truth will get the desired result too (3.8).

Quote 5

Ender never surrendered to Peter, but I have turned, I've become part of him, as Ender never was. (9.266)

Ender isn’t the only one facing a war; Val has her own war against Peter, but hers takes a different turn. Now, let’s be honest here. Are Peter and Val really at war? Well, they’re not shooting at each other or putting mines in each other’s bedrooms, but notice that, even if Val isn’t shooting at Peter, she’s thinking about her relationship as something like a war: she’s “surrendered.” Why is their relationship sometimes described in such terms?

Major Imbu

Quote 6

“It has a private meaning to Ender.” (9.10)

This is Major Imbu thinking about the phrase “End of the World.” In some ways, “private meaning” has to be the most isolating thing in the world. Because if some phrase has a private meaning for one person, then that one person won’t be able to communicate that meaning to others.