Don Quixote Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Book.Chapter.Paragraph) We use the P. A. Motteux translation from 1712 for our quotes. Some familiar character names appear differently in this edition (Sancho Panza is Sancho Panca here, Rocinante is Rozinante, and Doña Rodriguez is Donna Rodriguez). We preserve Motteux's spellings in our quotes but use the more familiar versions of these names in our analysis.

Quote #10

"The ladies, being all surprised at the oddness of the Moorish dress, had the curiosity to flock about the stranger." (

On the bright side, not everyone in this book is a total racist. When a woman in Moorish clothing visits an inn, for example, the women at that inn are more curious about her clothing than they are suspicious of her race. In fact, a white guy known only as "the captain" plans on marrying this Moorish woman—which makes sense, considering how she saved him from a life of slavery by giving him the money to buy his freedom. Looks like things aren't so black-and-white (pun totally intended), after all.