Don Quixote Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Book.Chapter.Paragraph) We use the P. A. Motteux translation from 1712 for our quotes. Some familiar character names appear differently in this edition (Sancho Panza is Sancho Panca here, Rocinante is Rozinante, and Doña Rodriguez is Donna Rodriguez). We preserve Motteux's spellings in our quotes but use the more familiar versions of these names in our analysis.

Quote #7

He was about four-and-twenty years of age, round-visaged, flat-nosed, and wide-mouthed, all signs of a malicious disposition, and of one that would delight in nothing more than in making sport for himself, by ridiculing others. (

This is our introduction to university grad Sansón Carrasco. We hear that based on his physical appearance, you can tell that he's a jerk who takes pleasure in ridiculing others. This description sets him up to be one of the meanest people in the text. But by the end of the book, the guy actually seems kind of nice. That doesn't change the fact, though, that it was on his instigation that Don Quixote ventured out on a second quest for adventures.

Quote #8

[F]alling on his knees before him, "Admit me to kiss you honour's hand," cried he, "most noble Don Quixote; for, by the habit of St Peter […] you are certainly one of the most renowned knights-errant that ever was." (

Sansón Carrasco can lay it on pretty thick when he's manipulating Don Quixote. Some of it even makes you want to cringe. Worse yet, he doesn't indulge Don Quixote's fantasies for good reasons, like the curate and barber do. He does it purely because he likes making fun of the old man.

Quote #9

The voice answered in the same key, "Thou and they wife, two of thy friends, and two of hers, a famous knight called Don Quixote de la Mancha, and his squire, Sancho Panca by name." (

The dude named Don Antonio has this weird metal head in his library that can apparently talk on its own and tell people all about themselves. The thing is, though, that it's just an illusion created by Don Antonio for his own amusement. What's up with all these pranks? Why is everyone trying to trick everyone else?