Chicago Resources


The Academy of American Poets

Here's a brief but informative intro to our man Carl.

Visit Sandburg's home in North Carolina

It's a National Historic Site (where you can check out Mrs. Sandburg's goat farm).

Some Smart Profs Weigh In

There's a lot to learn about Sandburg.

Visit the Windy City!

(Or, at least, visit its official webpage.)


Sandburg on What's My Line

It's worth watching just for Sandburg's fake voices.

This is a Tribute

Check out "Chicago" as a cool music video.

"The Day Carl Sandburg Died"

"Chicago" is read in this excerpt from the PBS special.



A group-reading set against some classic photos.

Librivox Version

Here's another reading.

Sufjan Stevens's Chillin' with the Ghost of Sandburg in Chicago

From the fantastic album Illinoise

The Man Himself

Way to rock the middle part, Carl.


Super-busy Downtown Chicago

Here's a look back in Sandburg's day.

The Chicago Skyline…

Check out this view of the modern city by night.

Articles & Interviews

Sandburg's Radical Politics

Get the scoop.


Selected Poems

Read the best of Sandburg's poems here.

Rootabaga Stories

Check out Sandburg's stories for kids.

Movies & TV

The Day Carl Sandburg Died

A PBS documentary on our dude.


The Oscar-winning musical (which has nothing to do with good ol' Carl, but we highly recommend it anyway).