Cat on a Hot Tin Roof True or False

1. Where does the entire play take place? -> On a rooftop
2. Where do Brick’s parents live? -> A cheeseburger plantation in Pudge Corner, Alabama
3. What is the whole family there to celebrate? -> Big Daddy Pollitt’s 65th birthday
4. What old high school injury did Brick sustain? -> Broke his ankle while jumping hurdles
5. What concerns Big Mama about Maggie and Brick’s marriage? -> Their lack of children
6. Big Daddy has liver cancer, but thinks he has what? -> A spastic colon
7. Of what did Maggie convince Brick’s friend Skipper? -> That he was destined to be with Barbie
8. About what are Gooper and Mae concerned in the wake of the news about Big Daddy? -> Their inheritance
9. What does Maggie announce to the family? -> That the Saints just scored a touchdown to go up by four at the half
10. What does Maggie promise to give Brick if he sleeps with her? -> A child
