The Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra

The Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra


by William Shakespeare

Reading Quizzes

Available to teachers only as part of theTeaching The Tragedy of Antony and CleopatraTeacher Pass

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Sample of Reading Quizzes

Act 1 Scene 1


1. Who's at Cleopatra's palace in Alexandria at the start of the play?
2. What do Demetrius and Philo discuss at Cleopatra's palace?
3. What does Cleopatra demand Antony do when they show up?
4. Who does Cleopatra think has sent the messenger from Rome?
5. Why does Antony insist he won't hear the message?
6. What does Antony scold Cleopatra for when she wonders whether he might care as little for her as Fulvia, his wife back home?
7. What do Demetrius and Philo lament at the end of the scene?


1. Two Romans soldiers, Demetrius and Philo, are in attendance.
2. They discuss how their dear leader and friend, Mark Antony, is totally smitten with Egypt's queen Cleopatra and thus acts less like a ruler and more like a teenager in love.
3. He must tell her how much he loves her.
4. She believes that Antony's wife Fulvia, who's angry about his absence, or maybe Octavius Caesar in Rome, sent it.
5. Everything he cares about is in front of him.
6. He admonishes her for being so hot and cold.
7. They lament all the rumors in Rome about Antony having fallen off the manly wagon are true.