A Raisin in the Sun Walter Younger Quotes

Walter Younger

Quote 31

That is just what is wrong with the colored woman in this world…Don’t understand about building their men up and making ‘em feel like they somebody. Like they can do something. (1.1.91)

Walter wants the women in his life to make him feel like a man. Being manly means having the freedom to act according to one's judgment. He's also making blanket statements about black women here.

Who the hell told you you had to be a doctor? If you so crazy ‘bout messing ‘round with sick people – then go be a nurse like other women – or just get married and be quiet… (1.1.125)

Walter belittles Beneatha's dream of becoming a doctor, implying that women are fit only for supporting roles. We have a feeling that these amazingly sexist comments will only add fuel to Beneatha's burning desire to be a doctor.

Walter Younger

Quote 33

WALTER (All in a drunken, dramatic shout…He makes his weaving way to his wife’s face and leans in close to her)
In my heart of hearts – (He thumps his chest) – I am much warrior! (2.1.15)

Walter clings to the idea that he would be a mighty warrior in Africa; this soothes his masculine ego.