Long-Term Prospects

Long-Term Prospects

Job Satisfaction


General quality of life statement

Score for health sciences majors. A huge 71% of these grads say they love their jobs after college. That's well over even the 75th percentile of all jobs in the country. That means that health sciences majors are happier on average than other workers out there. Quantifiably happier. It's math, people—you can't argue with numbers.

It probably has something to do with the fact that these sciencey smarty pants are helping people in one way or another. Whether they sell equipment and prescription drugs to hospitals or work directly with patients, health science majors can derive a great sense of service to their fellow humans. Most people in that field help people day in and day out, and let's face it. That's rewarding work.

Far more rewarding than say the lower than average pay that most of them make. Hey, money isn't everything. If you love your job, you never work a day in your life.

25th Percentile Salary


Median Salary


75th Percentile Salary


Stats obtained from this source.