
If you find helping people develop their professional skills and bringing in the money to keep a company (and the jobs there) going fulfilling, then yes, this is a glorious career. People in sales may be thought of as brash or pushy, but that's really an unfair generalization. They just care. A lot.

The Best Paperweight Award makes a great paperweight. (Source)

Many sales professionals work extremely hard supporting their staff and their company. Sure, they're boosting their own bottom line, but they're also bringing in the money that funds the company's paychecks. That's glorious, for sure.

Different types of sales have different awards. They're often company- or industry-specific, such as Addy Awards (source) for excellence in advertising.

Mostly, though, sales-related awards come in the form of bonuses, which motivate people to work hard and meet their goals. Sounds glorious to us.