

A college degree isn't necessarily required for a position in property management, although it helps, given that you need decent communication, computer, and bookkeeping skills for this job. If you're going the degree route, an undergraduate major in business would probably prove most useful.

Experience is a must for property managers. You're going to need to have proven yourself as a leasing consultant and an assistant property manager before corporate decides to pass the reins for a complex over into your grubby paws. It's also possible you're going to need to have worked at a complex of a certain size as an assistant property manager before you can land a full-blown property management gig.

You'll need a driver's license for this job, and you'll have to pass a background check and a drug screening. You'll also need an understanding of local, state, and federal law and regulations as they relate to property management, because these ordinances will govern many (so many) of your interactions with residents.