
Despite the fact that you're smarter than the average so-and-so, you still take a whole lot of orders. Believe us, there will be a lot of bosses who don't know the first thing about what you could probably do with your eyes closed and they'll ask you to do ridiculous, sometimes inefficient tasks, as is the way with bosses. 

There is a lot of room to grow, though, so you may not have to do those inefficient tasks for long. Upward mobility used to mean saying "adios!" to technical skills and being all business, but it's shifting for people like you to do your technical thing and be a boss (source).

However, when the bosses get you down, remember that you're the one who builds things. That's right, you're the one who designs the machinery and infrastructure that help to make our daily lives run all smooth and efficient-like. 

You hold a boatload of responsibility in your hands and know your work processes like the back of said hands. So humor your silly boss, but secretly do the project the way you know it should be done. A lot rides on your expertise.