
Do we need to spell this out for you? You're Santa Claus. know what? We already did.

No cookies? Excuse me while I stop listening. (Source)

For those who celebrate Christmas—or just enjoy jolly old men in puffy red elf costumes—there's almost no one bigger than Santa Claus. Come December, this time-honored tradition is everywhere from movie screens to store displays to seasonal candies. As the mall Santa, you're the living, breathing connection to the real Santa Claus. That means you get all of the love and joy and wish lists (and hopefully milk and cookies) that children want to give to St. Nick.

If you're the exceptional kind of Santa, you can use that suit in your spare time to visit sick kids in the hospital. It's pretty glorious to witness their eyes light up as you delight them with your appearance. We'll just say that twinkle in your eyes is magic, not you totally welling up with tears of delight yourself.

Seriously, how can bringing happiness to kids be anything but glorious?

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