Bell Curve

Bell Curve


Assistant Event Planner. Salary: $25,000 

After four years of college, you score a job as an assistant events planner for a rather secretive company who you later realize is run by some shady characters. Your first event, the police officers' charity ball, doesn't go so well and you wake up with a horse head in your bed.


Novice Corporate Planner. Salary: $35,000 

You plan events for a series of tiny companies in Boise, Idaho. Most of the time you're just scheduling golf outings between each of the business owners. The biggest excitement is crossing off the days until Jean in accounting retires. Only 219 days to go.


Experienced Corporate Planner. Salary: $50,000 

You've organized an annual charity auction for a growing tech company. Usually the company just throws some random organizations into a hat, but after they ended up raising a lot of money for the Cheese Addicts of America the last four years, you decided that it was time to end the hat.


Independent Corporate Planner. Salary: $70,000 

At the corporate retreat, the party gets so out of control that the police show up. You spend the weekend dreading the phone call from the corporate bosses. Instead you receive a huge basket of fruit—turns out they thought it was the best party they've ever had. You almost pass out from relief.


Major Corporation Events Manager. Salary: $90,000 

Looking out over the sea of faces, you take a moment to bask in the glory. Not everyone has the ability to organize an event of this magnitude for a company to give back to its legion of employees. It almost makes you feel like a rock star—at least until you watch U2 perform on the stage. Man, Bono is way better live.