
Aviation safety inspectors have a weird job. Every day, they're walking around the same type of machine, performing some of the most repetitive work imaginable—poking at the same bits of metal, glaring at the same tiny screws—and yet, one false checkmark on that little clipboard and everyone flying from Los Angeles to Seattle could crash into a mountain.

The monotonous tasks and grave responsibility combine like bacon strips and ice cream. You respect both ingredients, sure, but never really expected them to go together as well as they do.

Is that fulfilling? That mostly depends on you. Disaster prevention isn't exactly the same as disaster relief. Instead of saving people from imminent doom, you're the one who's supposed to stop the doom from becoming imminent to begin with (seriously, Elrond, just push him in).

So what you end up with is a bunch of people who have no idea that you're protecting them, while you go to work every day knowing that a single mistake could kill them all. Rewarding? Could be. Worth it? Up to you.